OH how I wish I was more eloquent to describe to you what I felt yesterday.
There often comes into our hearts (when we let it) this grand sense of peace and I felt that yesterday.
Earlier in the day I received the kindest email from one of my friends and I won't tell you that her name was Laurel and she's in my ward. It's amazing to me what kind words do for somebody. They bring smiles to faces and love into the heart. Oh the power!
My kids came home from school, well 3 of them. Wes gets home later. I love that part of the day. They are always excited to tell me about this or that- always all 3 of them at the same time too, I might add. Anyway- they got their homework done quickly and headed off to the park. I decided to join them.
This may seem silly but it was so enjoyable. I chatted with another friend, whom I greatly admire and I won't mention that her name is Rachelle and she's in my ward also. I'm awed by her. What a great mom. What a great friend. What a great example. After she left I picked a spot in the grass to sit and soak in the sun. It was almost sunset. It was about 75 degrees, barely any wind blowing and I noticed how beautiful the sun looks on the trees just before sunset. It's that amber color that jumps right out. Looking up into the sky I saw 2 planes, quite far from each other, but they made those white tails that linger in the sky after them. There were a few clouds scattered here and there- the kind that aren't big and fluffy- the ones that are a hint of cloud- the skinny kind.
I heard my kids in the distance laughing with each other and I remembered the kind note sent to me through email and I sat and smiled and smiled and smiled.
It was a deep sense of peace.
1 week ago